Lord we come to call on our savior to fall on your grace, to lift up your name...we will rise with you lifted on your wings, and the world will see that OUR GOD SAVES
The more i seek you the more i find you...the more i love you...i want to sit at your feet...feel your heart beat...THIS LOVE IS SO DEEP...its more than i can stand...i melt in your peace...its overwhelming
Lord hear our prayer, open the blind eyes unlock deaf ears, come near to your people, hear us from heaven, touch our generation, crying out in desperation
PRAISE GOD, who saves my soul, his crown and kingdom never end, I will praise the one who died for me
Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe, he washed it white as snow, wash my sin away, turn our eyes toward God
Amazing grace, I once was lost but now I'm found, by grace my fears are released, my chains are gone, I've been set free, his mercy remains, as long life endures, my God my savior, unending love, how sweet the sound
Jesus, the most beautiful names of all names, name that I know, the only name that brings healing & strength...when I speak your name, darkness flees it has no hold on me, you are the exalted one, brings freedom and hope, when I speak your name mountains move
I am letting go...of every burden, everything...I just want to wait on you my God...in your presence i am not afraid of brokenness...with humble tears...I dwell on who you are...Holy Holy Holy...you are BEAUTIFUL to me
HOLY HOLY HOLY...worthy is the lamb who was slain...who was and is and is to come...is the lord god almighty......with all creation i sing...you are my everything & i will adore you...clothed in rainbow of living color...blessing honor and strength...to you the only wise king...praise to the king of kings, I WILL ADORE YOU...filled with wonder...at the mention of your name...breath and living water...such a marv mystery...JESUS you are holy Lord...I Exalt THEE
There is no shadow in your presence, its only through your mercy Lord that i come, I bring an offering of worship to my king, no one on earth deserves the praises that i sing, Jesus may you receive the honor that you are due, I bring an offering to you
I need you Jesus, where else can I go, there's no other name by which i am saved, capture me with grace, I WILL FOLLOW YOU, I will take hold of you, I NEED YOU JESUS, come to my rescue
Your love is all I need..is everything...i run to you...i cling to you...your love is pure...astounds me...your all i see...find my strength in you...your everything i want...everything my hearts crys out four
How can i do anything but praise....you are God, you are lord, you are all I'm living for...I want my life to praise you...because you gave your life for me...I praise you
"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess his name." Hebrews 13:15
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